The Breath

Our greatest teacher, healer, and guide- leading us home to ourselves- the heart of authentic being and present awareness. 

Through the breath, we embody our somatic and extrasensory super powers...

we feel, we heal, we rise

The omnipotence of the breath as medicine is often overlooked- this magical tool bridging body and spirit is unparalleled with any other healing modality. 

It's right under your nose, it's always been with you- its right here- waiting for you to rediscover.

Right here. Right now.


coming home

10 week breathwork journey

Sign Up + BREATHE!


perhaps the most profound is the reconnection to yourSelf- the remembrance of who you are, the compassion, forgiveness, and authenticity you find just by breathing yourself back to YOU. 

So, we breathe.

For the sake of our lives- to get back to this moment- where all things begin and end. 

This moment is why we are here. Let's find it again.

And be here now. 

coming home

breathe yourself back to YOU

BEGINS: January 13

ENDS: March 17

Breathing every Friday at 10:30am PST live via ZOOM

** No one will be denied this offering. If it is calling you but you need some financial assistance, reach out **

coming home | breathe yourself back to YOU
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