“Love is the essence of life, and without it, everything loses its meaning.”
Life is made meaningful by the relationships we keep; the interactions, interweaving, and the ways in which we transform through and for each other.
It is not the parts, but the whole: when we form relationship, our individual selves merge to create anew form with new functions.
In this marriage, we are made more.
The relationships that we develop with our plant allies are much the same; a beautiful intermingling, infusing personal chemistry with plant chemistry.
Merging together, finding meaning and feeling in each other, in ourselves- we evolve.
This is a profound love story, one where we are because of the other- we grow because of our infusions.
“Love is not just an emotion, it is a state of being.”
In this 8 week series, we will work with plant allies traditionally known as aphrodisiacs. Some more well known, others less... But each with their own unique invitation to expand into more sensing, feeling, and ultimately love.
Each session we will learn about the plant, drink her wisdom, and drop into somatic movement. From movement into a deep breath journey - with the intention to be with all as it is.
The perfection of sensitivity and being here now... Is the ultimate landing.
May we all meet here to feel into this magic, into the vast expanse of our hearts, and to deepen our relations to our plant allies- keepers of the heart.

Sliding Scale: $450 - $INFINITY
Pay what is appropriate for you!
Please include 5% GST to your total cost (except not for $450 as it has already been integrated).

$150 + 5% GST X three installments.
GST has been included in this offer, thank you!