Young Fire + New Beginnings | MOON Letter + Updates
Mar 24, 2020

She has the heart of a warrior, living life in full color as dances between the extremes
of fighting for what she loves and flying to a new horizon. She is full of passion, yielding to no one, she burns brighter than any star as she shapes the world to suit her soul.
Hi beauties!!
What a wild time we are in!
Ok, where to start.
I have been home for about a week... It has taken me about a week to get my sleeping schedule back on track- haha Jet lag is a real thing!
First, I just want to send a big thank you to all of you who came to meet me and practice with me in Europe. Wow- your hearts are shining big and bright! I felt so welcome, loved, and it was such an honor to move and play with you all! Thank you for allowing me to come into your space with my crazy and wild ways- and thank you for trusting me to guide you and teach you. You are all so beautiful, and your practices are unique and strong!
Second, Sri Lanka babes... I love you guys so much. I am feeling very thankful for "perfect timing," that allowed us to meet and participate in a much needed life boost just before the real chaos of these times rained down. I know we didn't meet by coincidence, and I know we will meet again. Thank you for jumping into the adventure of beautiful new, tropical places... thank you for taking a leap to meet me for the first time! The ripples we created are important... and I hope we can tap into that vibration and good loving energy while we move into these stranger and more challenging, uncertain times. Thank you for being there. I love you!
I read a sentence yesterday that is resonating on such a high level that I will share it here with you all: "what harms one, harms all."
Saturn has just moved into Aquarius, a sign known for its humanitarianism and collective care for the well-being of all. As we move into these challenging times where we are asked to #stayhome and quarantine... I feel called to bring us back into our hearts and to bring us back into the truth that: we are one.
While it may feel inconvenient to be told to stay home, and it may shake up most of our lives quite a bit... perhaps even pulling the foundation from under many of our feet... We have an opportunity to collectively rise together, to protect each other and all living and non-living things to which we are innately connected to.
Change is the only constant, and if these times are teaching us anything- it is that we must choose grace, surrender, and resilience in the face of uncertainty and chaotic transformation. To hold on or cling to what was just doesn't make sense right now... It is time to think of new ways, new systems, and new structures. Ones which support us individually and sustainably (I have my own back!)... and ones which support us all: collective heart for the goodness of all.
Being asked to stay home... We feel our freedom being taken away... We wonder why... and so many other things... And, we also have the power to choose how we respond to the world-wide dilemma at hand. We can fight it, sitting in distress, fear, and resistance. Or we can utilize this time and space to shape-shift and create. To incubate, to cocoon... and to be transformed... A divine opportunity for perfect metamorphosis.
Ultimately, we need to start thinking with our hearts. We need to take care of each other, the animals, the plants, the ocean, the forests, the sky, and our beautiful mother earth... The whole solar system... The entire universe. We are one... And what harms one, harms all. May we move in ways that consider the other... With compassion and loving kindness... Because it is true that- we are connected beyond our understanding... In infinite ways... And to protect each other... is to protect ourselves.
New Moon in Aries... A sign representing "the self." I offer: how can you create intentions that support yourself and the collective.. How can you care for yourself so that you may care for all?
Wishing you an inspired new moon of confidence, trust, and young fire igniting new beginnings. Dream big and use this Aries spring energy to propel you into new dimensions and exciting new territory. Opportunities live in chaos... if you are willing to look with open and curious eyes. Stay present beauties, the world is your oyster- create, create, create!
Love you all!
Daily Ritual
We are feeling very grateful to have a platform open and running as the reality of quarantine gets more and more serious.
While, our intention was never to replace your local studio, we feel really grateful to have a space where you can still connect, move, and play!
Lots of amazing teachers, lots of amazing classes: primal movement (inspired by bowspring, budokon, mobility, and functional training), yoga, yin, restorative, meditation, breathwork, and more...
A stacked schedule... And growing more and more!
We love you!
Come join us... We'd love to see you!
PS: the classes are live, interactive... we see you, you see us!
Oh! PSS: We created a YouTube channel too, I have posted 3 new classes on for now... More to come!
Daily Ritual YouTube Channel
Free Class Pass for Meditation
While I was away, sharing my practice with community in Europe and Sri Lanka... One of the biggest compliments I received was on my playlists.
Music has always been a huge part of my movement practice. I think, it might have even been the reason why I latched onto Vinyasa long ago- for the beauty of moving to dope beats.
This is definitely an aspect that has contributed to the vibe I create in my movement spaces. While we are all in isolation, tending to our inner gardens... I hope you still find time to move to music: whether that is dancing or practicing! It will definitely raise your vibration! The kitchen floors will love you- stomp stomp your feet~! xo
Here is a playlist that I played often while in Sri Lanka... A special place in my heart forever... So grateful for those who came and made it so damn special. I love you all!
King** - A playlist by me!
Moon Musings, Astrology, and Horoscopes
Chani Nicholas | Horoscopes for the New Moon in Aries
Nylon | Gala Mukomulova | March 2020 Aries New Moon
Forever Conscious | Intuitive Astrology: Aries New Moon March 2020
Forever Conscious | Intuitive Astrology: Saturn Leaves Capricorn for Aquarius 2020
Chani Nicholas | Saturn Enters Aquarius March 2020
Spirit Daughter: She has the heart of a warrior, living life in full color as dances between the extremes
of fighting for what she loves and flying to a new horizon. She is full of passion, yielding to no one, she burns brighter than any star as she shapes the world to suit her soul.⠀♈️ ARIES NEW MOON ♈️
The Aries New Moon greets us tomorrow morning and brings us fire, motivation and the willpower to persevere anything. During a time when most of us are feeling like we can’t control the events happening around us, this Moon is needed more than ever. Aries reminds us that no matter what, our life is still ours. Furthermore, we are still on our life’s journey. If we redirect our focus inward a bit and to our true purpose, we may alleviate some of our anxiety. Align with this New Moon to feel your power, your resolve to overcome this current global challenge, and for some hope for a new day.
Aries brings us warrior energy and without a place to direct it, it will attack. Be aware if you are feeling frustrated, angry or restless. These are emotions most of us are wrestling with right now- with the Sun and Moon in Aries they will be heightened. Instead of waging war on yourself, direct this energy into something. Move your body and get your energy flowing. Spend time with the Moon, do your practices, journal, dance, create art- direct the abundance of energy. Look to the future and feel inspired, as hard as that might be. Set intentions for the coming six months to a year, and envision the life you want to lead. Know that as you write down these visions on paper, you create them.
Align with Aries to learn about yourself. What are your passions? What is your life’s mission and how do you want to pursue it? Don’t allow what’s going on in the world to deter you from feeling your true self. Now more than ever it’s important to understand why you are here and what mountain you are here to climb. Aries can teach you about your soul’s calling, how to find it, and how to face any obstacles in your way of embracing the life you were meant to live.
Daisy Clementine Astrologer: New Moon in Aries ♈️ Aries, ruled by Mars, known for his heat, passion, action and impulsivity. It is important during this new moon to try and keep self-regulated. Emotionally, psychologically and even physically - don’t OVER DO it. i.e. tap out of the media and internet when your chest starts to feel a bit tight (with anxiety) or even before then. Oh Aries love - Venus in Aries occurred during Mercury retrograde now this New Moon occurs conjunct Chiron! Aries has been in for it lately, however, the New Moon does invite us to set new intentions. I was thinking about all the people who live in such an action filled world, avoiding their emotional problems. This time for isolation confronts people with some of their greatest fears - the surfacing of suppressed psychological trauma. Nowhere to run and hide. Starting this new, annual, lunar cycle with the intention of paying attribute to the masculine whilst balancing out with the feminine. Now in saying that, part of Aries beauty is helping us to evoke our wild, uninhibited, primal expression - acting from the core truth of self before over-thinking inhibits us. This time for yourself allows you to reconnect with your primal essence. Now - CHIRON - to meet yourself you must first be confronted with the pain of how far you’ve been from your truth. The pain of self-betrayal and neglect. Of owning up to the denial and escapism. How have you been playing into the pack? Rather than choosing individuation. I’ve been feeling a lot of anger building up to this new moon, a short fuse, quick to react. But at the same time it feels so good to just be freely expressing how I feel in any given moment. Something to play with during this time. “How I/you feel is VALID”. Ultimately we find something greater than ourselves to fight for. For humanity, for our families, for each other.
I have many events planned... And, at this time I am not pushing advertising for any of them because it does not make sense! lol
But, please look forward to connecting in real life as soon as it is safe to do so. In the meantime, please connect with me online!
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