MOON Letter | Pure Heart + Aligned Flow | Aries New Moon

alignment aries new moon authenticity embodiment moon letter movement new beginnings proprioception tarot Apr 11, 2021

Hi my loves!

Happy new moon in Aries!

I love this new moon... The start of the astrological year with Aries energy- it's the most potent and fertile soil we have to invest our hearts desires into.

I am not going to lie... The past couple of weeks have been intense and uncomfortable. It's felt like: system shut down... Escape mode initiate! Relationships have been shifting, foundations feel a little loose... And the energy has just been rolling in with damp heaviness.

Finally, I am starting to feel like myself again. But not without realizing that things in my life need to shift... Change has been bubbling from the inside out. Uncomfortable pockets of space in time usually always mean that change needs to happen... That alignment has shifted and something needs to move or evolve.

I have been evaluating life lately... In my business, in my relationships, in my body. I have some really amazing realizations... There is so much balancing to do! I have been trying to fit into structures and systems that just don't fit... It's like the circle trying to fit in the square... and it's not happening.

These moments are so important. The recognition and conscious awareness that shit's gotta change because it doesn't feel right... Alignment is off!

Maybe you feel this too... Maybe you feel like something just isn't flowing, doesn't feel easy, isn't what you want your life to look like, isn't how you want to feel or move or be. And... What an epic opportunity- RIGHT now... To choose to walk a different way.

I have been thinking a lot lately about attachments... Letting go... And allowing whatever is meant to flow to flow. For me... It's about making sure that I am lit up, doing what I love, showing up for those who light me up... And following my bliss. When I do this... When I move and act from this space... Everyone benefits.

So, for me... It's a time of re-evaluation, re-alignment, and re-configuration. A time to let what's not working go... and to start to create shapes that I know I will fit into... That feel good for me!

To selfishly follow my heart, to do what I know is best in the ways I know are best... I think this is the highest service I can be... To be a model of authenticity and to shine from the space of following truth, heart, and alignment.

"Means we use must be as pure as the ends we seek." Martin Luther King Jr.

May we walk our talk... and be a present living embodiment of the reality we wish to create... With integrity and love- I wish you a beautiful new moon... Dream big and follow your bliss.



Love Elisha




Biodynamic Fascial Synthesis: Your fascial matrix, biotensegrity as a lifestyle, and your spiral recoil energy system! With Britt, Tara, and Elisha

This is a two hour workshop of theory, conversation, and movement! If you love to learn about how your body operates… bridging the gap between science and spirit- this is going to be a potent offering!

Check out all of the workshops coming up on at:




If you aren't able to join me for live online classes and you still want to move with me... Join my. It's a dope little collection of my ever-evolving movement offerings. New videos coming this week... Yay!





>> MOON <<

  • How can I work with my shadow self?
  • What are my deepest dreams and insights sharing?


>> Ace of Pentacles <<

  • How can I align with my creativity to support my life?
  • What are my true notions of success?


  • I seek the abundance that nourishes my heart.
  • I celebrate the gifts that life has to offer.


>> SUN <<

  • How can I maintain this luminous mindset and light?
  • Am I ready to celebrate the beautiful path of my life?






Moon Musings + Astrology



♈️ NEW MOON IN ARIES ♈️⁠ The New Moon greets us tonight in Aries. This is a Moon of decisions and change. Aries brings us the energy of fresh starts. For things to begin, though, some things need to end. Energy is moving quickly right now. All planets are moving forward, and life is happening. Take some time to clarify the direction you want your life to go through setting intentions and creating visions. ⁠ ⁠ Aries is full of fire and motivation. On this New Moon, feel into your soul’s mission. What inspires you? What gets you up in the morning excited for life? Feel into your deepest passions this New Moon and feel your ability to make them your whole life. Dreams take work and commitment. This is the New Moon to decide what dreams will inspire you to keep going. ⁠ ⁠ The Sun and Moon fall next to Venus this New Moon bringing our heart into the matter. Allow what you love to move your forward. Ask your heart what it wants to commit to and how that aligns with your life’s mission. Aries reminds us that we are each here on this planet for a purpose. Fall in love with that purpose and make it your guiding compass this New Moon. ⁠




A week of movement, conscious connected breathwork, time + space, ocean swimming, hammock swinging, and deep connection.

Join us... We can't wait to be blissed out with you!


Soul Nectar... the sweetest, most delicious, most delectable adventure your heart craves in the most irresistible ways.

Host: Elisha Jane - Movement + Breathwork Co-host: Jeffrey Waters - Breathwork + Myofascial Body Work

Location: , Sayulita, MX

FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 5, 2022

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