MOON Letter | New Moon in Sagittarius: ↠ Risk directly correlates with reward

change moon letter new moon risk it all safety sagittarius Nov 23, 2022

Essences: safety, change, risk, unknown territory, adventure, renewal, truth, faith, surrender, flow, rebirth, new identity, new earth

Practices: breathwork, cold immersion/ ocean dips, sauna, travel, road trips, trying new things, prayer, intention, pleasure and joy pursuits, saying yes, choosing change


↠ Risk directly correlates with reward.

↠ Feeling is a direct link to my aliveness.

↠ I choose living fully over safety.

↠ Change is a sign of life.







Gifted with new activations and codes, I embark on a new beginning that is graced with new ways of being, light, and generosity. Releasing all self imposed limitations and rigid ideologies, I set myself free to realign to my true frequency. I choose to make changes that attune me to my highest calling of heart and truth. Leaning into risk, I surrender to love and faith, and lean back into vibrant winds of Life. The Universe will carry me through to new adventures and opportunities. I trust. I surrender. I let go. I leap. I believe. My wings fly with my faith.


Scorpio season is just behind us. This season was potent, full of self-proclaimed deaths of being, of relationship, of life... Shedding skins and transforming within. The waters were murky and intense... We all traversed our shadows of past, present, and future... Facing all the fragmented spaces inside and calling them back home to wholeness. And now... we are here- blessed with the fire to be born again. These past eclipses have gifted us with many downloads, uploads, and code activations. Moving into Sag season- it kind of feels unsettling, so much has shifted and yet- not all of it is consciously evident or obvious. The lessons are still being integrated on a deep level, but damn- here we are- fire time- it's definitely time to make some moves.

And it feels like change is here. It feels like stepping into new skin. It feels like shifting into new aspects of self to embody the ways in which we have been transformed. New identity. New Self. New ways of being in this world... subtle or crude... It's here. We are here.

So the first call is to:

Release self imposed limitations, rigid dogmas, hard opinions and judgements. Self reflection... To check the ways in which you operate... How do you move? Are you choosing from a conscious, intentional space? Or are you running on automatic... within an authoritarian box made by yourself? These ways only create tension and restriction in your life... So check yourself. :) Sag says: there is only space for high truth, alignment, and resonance- and it requires continual questioning and attunement.

Second call is to: contemplate safety! We have been inundated with the phrase: "stay safe" for the past few years. This idea of safety... permeating our conscious and non-conscious minds. But, few have speculated what it actually means to be safe.

Staying safe, finding safety within, holding safe spaces... This idea of safety has really taken hold in so many ways.

But what is it? What is safety?

  1. Free from danger or injury; undamaged or unhurt.
  2. Not exposed to the threat of danger or harm.


In my opinion, safety correlates with illusion. What is safety in the game of life? Is safety even a real thing if you are truly living?

Life beckons us to live... Not to stay safe... Not to stay at room temperature, complacent, midrange.

To live is to be free, to take risks, to detour, adventure, and release. To live is to let go and be transformed, to be born anew time and time again. And, none of this is safe... This requires immense vulnerability... It requires deep surrender and trust... It requires faith beyond limitation and reason. 

Safety coddles and cocoons. It wraps you up so that nothing can touch you. It keeps you warm and holds you tight. Safety makes you feel calm, docile, and comfortably alright.

Sagittarius knows that living life is not played in the safe lane. Living is leaping into the unknown... exploring new territory, embracing the discomfort of change... It is big risks with great reward, road trips and wild adventures. Being alive requires your willingness to release the idea of safety and move into the trust and faith of risk and surrender. Of course, we only learn and find our highest truths when we embrace the challenges and adversity that change and risk create.

Falling in love is both the most amazing feeling and the most terrifying. The deeper we fall, the harder we fall, the more risk there is- the greater our potential injury and heart break. But, without this risk, we succumb to an even greater risk- to not love at all. The correlation is real: the amount we are willing to risk is the amount we are willing to fall... or fly... But it requires the leap. Of course, it is not safe nor comfortable... but- without risk, we risk not living or loving at all.

Our lowest lows inform the awareness of our highest highs. We don't get the ecstasy and elation without the depths of despair and sorrow. A hard truth, but one that promises life is worth living... and aliveness is risky feeling business.

In the sacred winds of this flow, you learn to let go... To trust that the Universe will pick you up and take you to new, uncharted lands of unimaginable promise and opportunity. But not without the willingness to release being safe, comfortable... Not without letting it all go.

Change happens when you start choosing differently. Change happens when you release the illusion of staying safe and let yourself be swept up with the winds of new ways.

It's not always comfortable. It's not always easy. It usually comes with immense growing pain, insecurity, and vulnerability... But, it breathes life back into the stagnant and dull. It summons excitement and vitality back into these bodies... and inspires us all to take that leap, to follow our heart, to bring back the joy and play and pleasure that life beckons us to follow.

Safety... is a lifeless choice. Sagittarius calls you to risk it all...

No risk. No reward.

So, lean back, surrender to your hearts truth, and have faith... This is the way to your state of flow. And... Away we go!




Love Elisha



↠ What self imposed limitations, dogmas, or ideologies are you blindly following? Or, what rules or authority have you imposed on yourself or your daily doings? Are they still resonant? Are they still conscious, intentional choices?

↠ Truth requires constant contemplation, questioning, and re-questioning! Are you continuing to ask the big questions that might provoke or inspire you to make a change?

↠ When you look at your life, where are you feeling like change is necessary? Do you have resistant to this change? What fears hold you back from making the leap?

↠ No risk, no reward. Risk is directly correlated to reward. Where in your life could you initiate a bit more risk or release the façade of safety?

↠ Am I ready to step into a new identity? What does that look like for me? My relationships? My career? My life? My practices?

↠ Where in my life am I staying comfortable and safe? Could I benefit from shaking things up and making a change?












The beginning of a monthly breathing circle. (possibly growing to bimonthly or weekly!)

>> Conscious connected breathwork is the medicine... Breathing and healing together is powerful. We breathe together. Let's do this.

Investment: << sliding scale >> $44 - $66

Space for 8.

Email to register: [email protected] |  + make sure to confirm your attendance.


Saturdays 10am - 11:30am PST

Movement that FEELS!

Move with me in real life. Classes beginning in January!

Investment: 4 classes for $72 or $22/ each drop in

Email to register: [email protected]



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Next offering of Coming Home: January 2023. Please sign up in waitlist if you are hoping to join. Space is limited to 8 breathers. LOVEYOU

This is a 10 week breathwork journey- online via Zoom. The breath modality that I teach is conscious connected breathwork and it is the most potent healer for ALL things that I know.





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send an email if you want to inquire about what this could look like!

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