Scorpio Full Moon: Deep Waters of Renewal | MOON Letter + Updates

be kind full moon lessons moon letter rebirth renewal scoprio serving community shadow work May 07, 2020
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When we realize... WE ARE ONE... People will stop hurting and dismantling each other because of differing opinions and beliefs.

This life is about raising the collective vibration of all. I hope we can all begin to move through our communications and dealings with each other with more love and kindness.

Gentle beings who are open and inclusive to all, back to our true nature: this is the way... this is what is needed right now.

Harsh words, belittling, shaming, and judging have no place. This only does harm to yourself and to each other. The resonating vibration of anger and hostility impacts us all in a negative way. Sending that aggression outward, ripples right back.

The ONLY truth we can be sure of is: WE ARE ONE.

Move in kindness... Move to serve and protect and to love. Move and speak to raise the vibration for all.

This is the new mission. Needing to be heard and needing to be right are passage ways of the ego. Release the need to convince others of anything. Sit in your own peace and calmness. Allow others the freedom to see things in their own way, just the same as we all want and desire that freedom and respect. 

Instead, ask: what can I do to serve my community? What can I contribute to make a positive impact? Who can I help? How can I be of service? 

Ask: what am I holding that is not serving me or the collective? How can I let it go to step into higher, more loving and forgiving grounds?

This is the path... One that isn't fighting or trying to convince or shame or judge... Choose the path of least resistance: disengage in conflict, share and spread love instead. 

These are the biggest lessons. 

If there is one thing that I am sure of... It's that I am not sure of much. There is a lot of information floating around out there, and the last thing we need to do is start wars between each other because we don't like the information they are thinking, speaking, sharing. We know so little. Even what we think we know we might not know. Humble down my loves. This is not the time to fight and separate. This is the time to collect and unify as a tribe. 

Full moon love and blessings to you! 

PS: I made a podcast. This is the first one... And, I obviously need to make cool intro beginnings and stuff... BUT! I am a firm believer in... Starting now. So, sending it out in all it's imperfection... Love you!

Coconut Cappuccinos with Elisha Jane | The Teachers Role w/ Elisha Jane

Love Elisha 

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You should join us! This is the dopest community on the internet block. 

Move with us... 3 days free plus 25% off monthly membership (makes it $44/month... STILL less than one drop in per week!)


You want to join because you love: yoga, primal movement, bowspring, budokon, handstands, moving your body, bio-hacking for a better life, breathwork (is the dopest), meditation, neuro flow,visceral yoga, new and full moon special rituals and classes, permaculture, eco-being, inspired humans to connect with... SO MANY REASONS! 

PS: soon all classes will be recorded and available to watch at anytime for 48-72 (something like this hours) so that members will always have access to a fresh class. YUM YUM. xoxo 

See you in there- WE LOVE YOU! 

My Vimeo Membership is here for you too. xoxo 


​What is coming to an end, in order to begin?

What is shedding, breaking, shifting, rising?

What do I truly value above all else? | My cup is filled with inner riches. 

How can I nurture the invaluable facets of my life? | I seek that which nourishes my soul. 

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Back to Nature: A playlist by Elisha Jane

Podcasts, Articles, Books, Information

Mind Your Business Podcast |The Ego Game: What You Lose When You Win

Impact Theory | Sadhguru Speaks

May Brings:

The Power Path | Monthly Theme: REFLECTION

Nylon | May Horoscopes 2020

Moon Musings + Astrology

MysticMamma | FULL MOON in Scorpio May 07, 2020​

Chani Nicholas | Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Scorpio May 2020

Chani Nicholas | A note on the Scorpio Full Moon

Nylon | Full Moon in Scorpio Presides Over Our Deepest Secrets

Spirit Daughter | A Shift In Perspective: The North Node Moves To Gemini

Forever Conscious | Scorpio Super Full Moon Forecast

The Alchemist's Kitchen | Horoscopes for the Flower Moon

The Power Path: Full Moon in Scorpio Update:

Full Moon in Scorpio is Thursday, May 7 at 4:45AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

Known as the “Flower Moon”, it offers an opportunity to explore meaning and emotional satisfaction in your life. Do you have what you need to bloom in your own authentic way? Is your personal medicine, talent and purpose being nourished? Where do you need to make changes based on your emotional truth? Do your values reflect how you are in the world? Are your values reflected back to you in a way that is supportive?

Allow yourself to be guided by your sense of curiosity and your attraction to certain energies and people. This full moon amplifies the power of creativity and activates the second chakra. As you explore your emotional satisfaction make sure you also set good boundaries around your field so you don’t attract what is not in alignment with you. The law of attraction is alive and well during this time and remember that what you send out, you will receive back, so, keep your thoughts positive and your emotions in the field of beauty.



Spirit Daughter: 

♏️ Scorpio Full Moon ♏️
Welcome to the Scorpio Full Moon, also known as the Flower 🌸 Moon for the flowers in bloom under her radiant light. This Moon is full of emotion, intensity, and potential. Scorpio is the sorceress of the zodiac, she is deep, wise, and fearless. She plunges to the depths of the universe only to stand fully in her power as she meets her destiny. She is afraid of nothing because she is everything.
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In her truest sense, Scorpio places us firmly in the present moment by putting us face to face with our fears. There is no past or future with this energy, there is only now. If we are willing to feel into our fears, we can discover how to shift them. Then instead of blocking our expansion, we can use them to uncover what is most important to us. Fear is a teacher, like many emotions. Align with the Scorpio Full Moon to dive into your deeper waters and find what’s controlling you from behind the scenes.
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Once you've shed light on our fears, they those their power. They can no longer control you and you are free to create the life you want. Fear undermines your vibration, without it, you can be clear about what you’re calling into you life and manifesting. This Full Moon amplifies all energies, including your power to attract energies of all forms. As you make your way through this Moon, know that it can be intense. Feel your power as you break your habits of fear by fully standing in their presence. Know that you are stronger than you could imagine, and stronger than any fear. Then follow your intuition in creating the life your soul wants, allowing yourself to come into full bloom πŸŒΈβ€‹

Flowers For Dais Astrology:

Full Moon Brewing in Scorpio ♏️ What have you been hiding from?
The energy that has been building since the last New Moon is ready to be fully birthed, seen and recognized by the external world. As far as moons go, the Full Moon is the most 'external' we can get. Thus, our emotions & deepest parts of the psyche come to the surface. And you can be sure this Full Moon has us in for an intense, sexy, magnetic, deep emotional show. Scorpio energy is DESIRE energy. What unhealthy desires have been unconsciously running the show (keep an eye out - they might be more pronounced and easier to catch - if you don't let them overtake you). Scorpio wants to push us to places that feel psychologically uncomfortable so that we can continue to reclaim our power and no longer have our shadows over-throw our full expression of self. Scorpio wants to merge and share resources on every level of consciousness - stepping beyond the comfort of 'I' and being stronger as 'we'. How can you continue to annihilate the ego (defensiveness & doubt) and choose vulnerability as the (only) path to intimacy. Intentions here surround purging and shedding. Using the illumination of the Full Moon to bring light to the darkest parts of our being. Scorpio rules the elimination system. Maybe even a fast or digestive cleanse is in order? Along with anything that supports the process of energetic release and cutting of chords. Make a conscious decision to out one of your fears or secrets to a friend or lover. β€‹

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