Deep Waters of Renewal + Beginning | MOON Letter + Updates
Oct 27, 2019

She was half magic, half madness,
the exact meeting of strong and soft, imperfect but unstoppable,
and she never backed down from a storm
which promised to carry her home.
Blessings to you on this deep new moon... Be gentle with yourself and with others. Self care feels like medicine today... Take your vitamin D, get into nature, have a bath, snuggle up with a book- Honor your souls needs... and create boundaries that support your highest being.
Sending you much love today- and always.
Love Elisha
Big questions:
Are you following your dreams? Do you know what your dreams are?
Are you living your truth? What is your truth?
Are you living authentically, relentlessly pursuing your passions and honoring your purpose?
What is your purpose?
We are here, on earth, for a reason; our own beautiful, intentional, creative, unique and perfectly magnificent reason. Too often, I have witnessed others in overwhelm and defeat- "I don't know what my purpose is!"
It's a big question... if you make it that way. It could also be the most simple question you have ever answered.
A few years ago, I was asking myself this same question- trying to figure out what my purpose was. It felt too big... it felt unknowable... it felt out of reach and out of possibility. I didn't know where to start, and my options were unlimited- how could I know what it was?
And then, I started following my heart. And it became so easy. Finding your purpose isn't a life long journey... It is just listening to your inner knowing. It's following your heart, and pursuing that direction even if it feels uncomfortable or... like not enough, not worthy of "purpose designation." This is the scary stuff.
My definition of purpose is: following what lights you up. To be honest, it's really simple to do. The part that's not so simple is trusting that following this pursuit will lend you the life you dream of. So, what I see happening- is people denying themselves the opportunity to follow their heart, pursue their passions, moth to the light up life- because they are afraid it won't provide them the life they desire. Fear, worry, doubt are typically the culprits that hold us back from moving toward our hearts path.
It's interesting to think... Where did these fear based stories come from? The one's that told us that we won't thrive if we follow our heart? These stories run deep. We are conditioned by society, our culture, family, and environment in ways we can't even comprehend. There were many times that I was told to "get a real job," and pointed toward those "real" jobs- the ones that fit in a tidy box and move you alongside standard, conditioned norms.
It is so fascinating to me... We have been kept small for too long. We are intrinsically creative beings... capable of creating literally anything we imagine. We have infinite potential- and it is astonishing to me how many of us choose to stay small and live in the box that keeps us dimmed and low.
I imagine living in a beautiful world where we all trust in the beauty of our dreams. I dream that every soul on earth begins to relentlessly pursue their hearts passion. I envision everyone honoring their truth- following what lights them up! It takes intention, courage, faith... It takes diving into our truth with both feet. But, it feels like the only answer... It feels like the whole point of our existence.
It's time to release the boundaries and limitations that we have been conditioned within... and even the ones we have self imposed. It's time to step into honoring your souls calling. If you are not living your truth, your authentic purpose... following your heart- you are not only doing yourself a disservice- but the whole universe.
So... What is calling you? What holds you back from stepping into your light?
Infinite Possibility | 90 Day Group Coaching: a radical shape-shifting experience to up-level all aspects of your life.
Holistic well-being: body, mind, heart, and spirit. It's time that you stepped into your light. Let's get you in alignment with your highest potential. The best time is right now.
Registration ends Nov. 15, 2019
Space is limited.
More details: Infinite Possibility
COMING (SO!) SOON: Daily Ritual: Online Movement & Wellness Studio (weee!)
Estimated launch: November 4th, 2019
Facebook Page: Daily Ritual FB (We are just making our way to creating and refining all the details... But, the page is alive... so give it a like if you wanna keep up with where we move!)
Instagram Page:
If you want to be notified when it goes live… Sign up here: Daily Ritual Online Movement & Wellness Studio.
Offering: yoga, movement, bowspring, mobility and functional training, fitness, energy work, breathwork, meditation, nutrition, holistic well-being practices, witchy, hippy, woo woo… All the best things to make your days full of inspired wellness.
Vision: Inspiring people worldwide to rise to their fullest potential, follow their dreams, and find real connection to themselves and each other.
Mission: Create an online community encouraging and cultivating connection with live interactive experiences and offerings to help elevate and expand users potential through movement, healing practices, and conscious culture.
AND! If you want a little 5 day free moving & manifesting challenge… Sign up here: Movers & Manifestors
Daily Mix 4 | A Spotify Playlist
Fierce cards for a fierce little moon- Scorpio invites rebirth and uncovering deep depths and shadow... As always, take what resonates- and leave the rest. I invite you to dive into the inquiry! May this moon bring you beautiful new beginnings and profound transformations.

Moon Musings & Astrology
Chani Nicholas | Horoscopes For The New Moon In Scorpio
The Moon Woman | Youtube Astro-Forecast & The Moon Woman | Astro-Forecast (this lady is so on point- I highly recommend her insights!)
Nylon | Scorpio New Moon by Gala
MysticMamma | Scorpio New Moon Musings
The Power Path | New Moon in Scorpio by Lena Stevens
Spirit Daughter | Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio
She was half magic, half madness,
the exact meeting of strong and soft, imperfect but unstoppable,
and she never backed down from a storm
which promised to carry her home.
Spirit Daughter: β§ NEW MOON IN SCORPIO β§
On every New Moon we have the opportunity to peel back another layer of our subconscious and understand ourselves on a deeper level. The veil between the conscious and subconscious mind lowers, giving us a glimpse into our inner workings and the energy which guides our life. Today, on this Scorpio New Moon that veil is at its thinnest. Scorpio reminds us that transformation begins with the roots of our existence. We must first understand all the energies which comprise our reality before we can shift it. This includes confronting our deepest layers of conditioning- the patterns which control our life from behind the scenes. These are or fears, our true desires and most importantly our programming.
Diving deep into our soul can be a tumultuous journey. It can bring up emotions buried far below the surface- ones we may not even know exist. Scorpio teaches us that feelings are the portal to intuitive knowing. The are raw power waiting to be harnessed. When we don’t recognize them, they undermine our efforts to evolve and manifest our dreams. When we do, however, face them with a courageous and compassionate heart, we can shift our very vibration and our reality.
Spend time today with yourself and your emotions. Gain the power of transformation by fully emerging yourself into every vibration and every layer of your being. Feel how everything is made of the same energy and can shift from one state to another. Anxiety turns to excitement, sadness into creativity, and anger into motivation. It’s all just energy; you choose how to execute it. You create your reality. Yes, sometimes you need to grow through pressure and the fires of your life, but the diamond which results from this pressure is always worth the journey to get there.
Astroccult: βNew MββN in SCORPIO βοΈ “On Sunday, Oct. 27, at exactly 11:38 p.m. ET, a bewitching new moon in Scorpio will banish into the velvet night, renewing our inner world while summoning the shadowy parts of our being. The new moon phase marks the beginning of a lunar cycle. This is when the moon sits between the earth and sun, and the sun casts its ever-burning rays on the dark side of the moon; hence the moon becomes invisible, as seen from earth. *If you dabble in the occult or partake in ritual moon magick, then you’re probably familiar with the mystical potency stemming from this wicked lunar phase.* This occurs when both of the sun and the moon meet at the exact same degree of a zodiac sign, which, in turn, serves as a cosmic channel; a more energetically-concentrated version of the zodiac archetype. You can conjure anything by the dark of the moon.β
This mysterious moon phase is infused with mystical fertility, given the paranormal multiverse that forever roams through the dead of night. Hexed by the Lord of the Underworld, himself, this year’s new moon in Scorpio is brewing with enchanting powers of manifestation, and lunarly charm. All in all, it doesn’t get more Plutonian than this; although, despite its enticing overwhelming Scorpionic lure, this ceremonial lunation will be swirling with electricity. Perhaps a bit too shocking, revolutionary Uranus — planet of rebellion, chaos and unexpected change, will directly oppose both the sun and the moon, while in the mystifying sign of Scorpio. Expect the unexpected. You never know what you’re going to get with non-committal Uranus, let alone the most perplexing sign in the zodiac.” -words by @valeriemesa
Podcasts + Articles + Information
The Model Health Show | 7 Mind-Blowing Ways That Meditation Improves Your Health
Aubrey Marcus Podcast | #223 A Song Of Truth & Love With East Forest Featuring Ram Dass
Dr. Wayne Dyer Podcast | The Theme Of Success
Ted Talk | Healing Illness With The Subconscious Mind by Danna Pycher
The Alchemist's Kitchen | What Does It Mean To Be A Witch
Energy Clearing For Abundance | Christie Sheldon
Elisha Jane | Conscious Connected Breathwork
βBook Recommendation
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up for the mind, The Courage to Be Disliked is the Japanese phenomenon that shows you how to free yourself from the shackles of past experiences and others’ expectations to achieve real happiness.
The Courage to Be Disliked, already an enormous bestseller in Asia with more than 3.5 million copies sold, demonstrates how to unlock the power within yourself to be the person you truly want to be.
Using the theories of Alfred Adler, one of the three giants of twentieth century psychology, this book follows an illuminating conversation between a philosopher and a young man. The philosopher explains to his pupil how each of us is able to determine our own life, free from the shackles of past experiences, doubts, and the expectations of others. It’s a way of thinking that is deeply liberating, allowing us to develop the courage to change, and to ignore the limitations that we and those around us have placed on ourselves. The result is a book that is both highly accessible and profound in its importance. Millions have already read and benefited from its wisdom.
This is a truly special book in the vein of Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up but for the mind. Those ready to embrace the insights and liberation promised by The Courage to Be Disliked will come to a deeper understanding of themselves and others, and find the inspiration to take the reins of their own life.

Advanced Training: A weekend intensive to dive deep into your bowspring, body, and heart potential. Look forward to leveling- UP!
This training is for those who are interested in diving deep, expanding in all directions, and growing up, up, and beyond all imagined limitations.
Level two, three, advanced poses: handstands, inversions, arm balances, wall work, twists, binds, and belly yummm... We are getting into it.
Space for 8. This will fill up fast.
Meet me to expand. Together we rise.
More info: Facebook Event Page: Advanced Training | Website: Workshops & Trainings
Questions: [email protected]
See you next year! Advanced booking is open.
Email for info! [email protected]
Facebook Event Page: Revive

10 days of Bowspring bliss in the junglely, beautiful, majestic Sri Lanka!
Bow + Surf Immersion Sri Lanka
Date: February 22 – March 2, 2020
Location: Welligama, Sri Lanka
Accommodation: Green Peace Inn
Space for: 14 guests
What’s included:
- 2 Bowspring classes per day // Handstand workshops
- One free day of exploring
- Group Surf Lesson
- Choice of deep tissue or secret root Ayurvedic full body massage
- Breathwork with Martina & Alex & ME!
- 2 vegan meals daily, with freedom to explore for your 3rd meal
- Beautiful ocean front accommodations
- An amazing group of humans to have an unforgettable getaway with
Facebook Event: Sri Lanka 2020
Loving you all, always!
Elisha Jane
MOON Letter | Stay Connected
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