the work is unconditional LOVE

the work unconditional love Jul 15, 2022

One day the wisdom dropped into my heart… Until you can love yourself SO fully and SO completely- UNCONDITIONALLY- So that you can love another so fully and so completely- unconditionally- there is more work to do.
The “work” is becoming love in its purest form. It’s loving all parts of yourself, the shadow and the light, so that you can love others in this same way.

This is what it means to “do your work.”
It’s to love yourself. Unconditionally.

We can only give what we have, what we are.

When we don't love ourselves- ALL parts of ourself - we can't possible love others fully. And this is where our work lives... In finding all the spaces within that we don't accept or love... And loving these spaces a little bit more.

Ultimately, Self Love is the only love because there is only ONE Self.



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