MOON Letter: Virgo Full Moon | Embodiment, Earthly Portals, and Rituals of Gratitude

embodiment full moon gratitude moon letter presence spring cleaning spring energy virgo virgo full moon Mar 17, 2022



Essences: embodiment, ritual, healing, earth medicine, presence, gratitude, nourishment, tending to gardens

Actions: nourishing routines, daily rituals, decluttering, organizing, eliminating, spring cleaning (inner and outer realms)

Practices: earthing, movement, breathwork, prayer, gratitude, mindful thought patterns, nervous system regulation, self love, compassion, and acceptance, alignment for flow + surrender into faith


Where do we find Heaven on Earth?

Your body is a portal; a channel through which you are able to access your spiritual perfection. It is through your body that you are able to connect to your greatest gifts, your innate wisdom, your intuitive, extrasensory super powers.

Virgo is the mother, the shaman, the witch, the priestess. She is the naturopath, our doula, our earth medicine healer. She is the embodiment of the divine feminine, earthbound, but draped in her natural divinity. She teaches us to find beauty and spiritual transcendence through all of our mundane and seemingly insignificant daily obligations and earthly tasks. She teaches us to see ourselves in wholeness and perfection and to soften our critical lens, to offer ease, compassion, and acceptance to ourselves as we walk through this life that is moment by moment, and surely not planned. So, she teaches us the gift of embodiment, showing us that presence is the way.

This full moon… In her soft, nourishing, illuminating gaze:

May we release our tendencies to be so harsh, critical, and hyper analytical of ourselves… And create space to breathe, to feel, and to allow for the divinity of flow.

May we create space by tending to our inner and outer gardens. Gently releasing all things that do not serve our highest alignment and that keep us from stepping into ease and grace and flow.

May we step into practices that bring us home to ourselves. Our body is our temple, our sanctuary, our holy space of love, abundance, and truth. May we anchor into this profound remembering. May we offer deep reverence to our body.

May we find peace by decluttering, organizing, and releasing. Saying goodbye to aspects of our inner and outer realms… Aligning ourselves in ways that feel good! Allowing ourselves to be held, supported, and nourished- TRUSTING that the Universe truly does have our back. (You are the Universe, you have your own back!)

May we embrace the need to clean things up: spring cleaning of the mind, of the heart, of the body, and of the soul.

May we utilize our healing tools and resources to bring ourselves back to our highest space of harmony and resonance. May we find routines and rituals that keep us grounded and on track as we navigate our way back. May we listen, even when it's hard to hear.

And may we utilize the power of mindful presence and gratitude. KNOW: what you focus on EXPANDS... So may we bring clear focus to all things we wish to see bloom as we step forward into the potent energy of spring and new beginnings.

Heaven on Earth is here. Right here. Your body is your temple. Your body is your holy vessel. Your body is your portal- an access point of spiritual transcendence. Meet yourself back here- again and again- and come home to your body- she is waiting for you.

I love you!

Happy Full Moon

I wish you a blessed reunion with your temple. She/he is waiting for you.

Love Elisha


PS... I am going to be planning my retreat to Mexico soon now that things are starting to open up... You should come! xoxo





Join me for a day of heart... Movement, radiant heart expansion, cacao, breathwork, connection, and an over all activation of your light body.

This is a day-treat at by Skutz Falls.

Investment: $111 CAD | April 2 | 11am - 5pm


Join me for a day to explore your water being! This is a beautiful day of healing and learning about your bio water. We will explore fluid movement, tidal breathwork, and a special treat: sound healing by the lovely .

This is a day-treat at by Skutz Falls.

Investment: $222 CAD | June 11 | 11am - 5pm










ONLINE WORKSHOP SERIES: 4 Part Series running through April!

Week One | April 5 @ 4pm PST

Radiant Heart + Natural Spinal Alignment

Week Two | April 12 @ 4pm PST

Bring Glutes Online + Balance Anterior to Posterior Chains

Week Three | April 19 @ 4pm PST

Unified Whole: Moving Holistically, Fascia, and Biotensegrity

Week Four | April 26 @ 4pm PST

Dynamic Pulse, Intuitive Flow, Listening to Your Body

>> This offering includes one month free at so that you can really immerse in the practice.



Weekly live conscious connected breathwork class facilitated by one of our breath guides: Zach, Britt, Mason, or Elisha + a growing collection of breath + meditation pre-recorded videos for you to tap into whenever you need!


A growing collection of pre-recorded movement videos 20-45 minutes long from our teachers on Daily Ritual.

  • Unlimited access to live + interactive Zoom classes on a set weekly schedule
  • Zoom recordings
  • All at a discount
  • Discounts on memberships affiliated with Daily Ritual such as: ($13.33 instead of $33) ($22 instead of $33) or option to  
  • Inspired classes designed by movers for movers
  • Community space to connect with members and teachers + learn lots about the body, alignment, movement, spirit, heart, soul!






Things I like




Moon + Astrology




Grounding, perception, perseverance, patience, routine, ritual, results (fruits)

Questions to Ask

What is my favorite way to get grounded? What helps me to feel rooted in my body?

How much gratitude do I experience throughout the day? What are 5 things I am grateful for now, and why?

What needs simplifying in my life?

What needs some Spring cleaning, both internally and externally?

What daily routines can I shift into rituals?






Full Moon in Virgo, March 18~ Under the watchful eye of Virgo Moon, we are being asked to find the reason buried in the romance, to trust our intuition and the magic that happens when we make plans that align us with our higher calling. We are being pulled to seek out powerful connections, connections that can pull us out of our worlds and into new universes. Now is not the time to half ass it, to partake in superficial bonds. This is your life calling you. Respond with your full self. From a place somewhere between your head and your heart. It does us no good to just let our emotions run the show. But fueling our actions with nothing but reason leaves no room for passion. In the interplay between the two is where we thrive, where we evolve and transform and understand who we are. Life is for learning, and in this moment of sweet trial and error, we are gaining the wisdom needed to build up the momentum to propel us into the next phase of our lives. Your love is a mirror. Let it reflect the love you seek. If you can meet this moment with a passionate heart and an open mind, your true self will rise to the surface and you will have no doubt about the form it takes in front of you. Be mindful of the feelings of the people around you, you are not the only one feeling this intense moon energy. It can be overwhelming and exhausting, dealing with all of the emotions within and without. Draw boundaries but do so compassionately. We are all going through it. We don't need to add to each other's suffering. Release energies that weigh you down, that don't let you fly, don't let you flow. You have places to go. Travel light. We are in a transformational phase, between what was and what will be. We are learning to align ourselves. Along the way there will be bumps along the road, mountains to climb, and valleys to traverse. Don’t let any of it stop you from going where you need to go. Don't be too harsh on yourself, you are only a human full of flaws and frailties beyond reason and judgment. Let yourself be humbled, take accountability for your actions, and show yourself compassion. Whatever you do, just keep going. You are on your way. -jen fountain



♍︎ Full Moon in Virgo ♍︎⁠ The Full Moon in Virgo greets us early tomorrow morning. This is one of the most empowering Moons of the year, reminding us that we choose the direction of our life at all times. We decide who is welcome in our space, who gets access to our energy, and what is worth our precious resources. This can be a time to set boundaries, but more importantly, it’s a time to set the tone of our life grounded in our self-worth. ⁠ ⁠ This is also a very healing Full Moon. It’s a time to forgive yourself for past lessons and older versions of yourself. It’s also a time to recognize where your wounds are controlling you by embedding fears in your mind leftover from another time. Align with the energy of Virgo to ask yourself where you need to heal and what tools you need to feel empowered to lead yourself forward without fear in your heart. ⁠ ⁠ The Moon forms a grand Earth trine with Pluto in Capricorn and the North Node in Taurus. Feel the stabilizing energy created from this aspect and harness it to connect with your body and breath. Feel your feet on the ground as you look forward to the next cycle of your life. Take steps to allow your past to be your past and see your destiny beginning to unfold from the seat of your intuition. As you make decisions, do them from a place of worthiness, knowing that you are worth your greatest dreams and visions. This inner knowing and acknowledgment are what makes them possible. ⁠




I am Sovereign.
Whole and Holy.
A Woman of Intellect, Pleasure, and Bone-Deep Wisdom.
My Body and Mind are of my own Domain, Nothing is for the taking unless I say YES.

I Am a Stand for Myself.
As a Conduit for the Divine Force of Love to cascade from the Cosmic Realms. Showering and Gracing my entire Being, Reminding me of my Truth and Radiance.
Of my Service and Love.

I am validated by no one other than myself.
And the beauty of this liberates me! I receive.
And then I give.
And when I give, I receive.
And on and on until my last breath.

I am Sovereign.
Whole and Holy.
I am Queen.
Agent of my Soul.


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